The Oklahoma Choose Life License Plate
Oklahoma has a new specialty license plate that will help make adoption a more viable option in Oklahoma.
The Choose Life license plate costs $35, with $20 of each license plate sold deposited into the Choose Life Assistance Program Revolving Fund. The funds will be distributed annually to agencies that apply for the grant and meet the criteria spelled out in the law. This license plate will raise money for non-profit agencies that do not counsel or refer for abortion, do not charge for their services, and help women in crisis pregnancies who choose adoption.
Specifically, 60% of the funds raised will directly benefit women in crisis pregnancy situations that choose to place their babies for adoption. It will provide food, clothing, transportation, medical assistance or whatever is needed by adoption-minded women. PN Baubau
Forty percent of the funds can be used for counselor training, educational materials, videos, etc. Counselors will be trained to present adoption as an option for pregnant woman in crisis. None of the funds can be used for administrative expenses.
The funds raised will fill a void that currently exists in the initial emergency stages of the adoption process and help make adoption a more achievable and chosen choice in Oklahoma. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Oklahoma is the 7th state in the nation to have this specialty license plate and this nationwide effort is gaining momentum. Together, as a state and as a nation, we can help provide viable alternatives to women in crisis pregnancies so they can Choose Life!
You do not have to wait for your tag to renew to get a Choose Life license plate. To get your own Choose Life license plate data togel kamboja download an application (PDF format), print it out, fill out with your vehicle information from your vehicle registration form, and follow the mailing instructions. You can also order your Choose Life License Plate from your tag agent.
For more information, contact: agen baju murah
Lori Sowers
P. O. Box 6315
Norman, Oklahoma 73070