Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I have to wait until my tag renews to get a Choose Life License Plate?
No, you do not have to wait. All you have to do is send in your completed application with your check and they will send you a Choose Life License Plate. This will make the renewal times for your registration plate and your choose life plate in different months and spread out the cash outlay.
2. Can I get a Choose Life License Plate at my local tag agency?
No, they do not stock any of the over 70 Oklahoma Specialty plates. They may have applications for the specialty plates, can inform you of details about specialty plates, but you can only get a Choose Life License plate through the mail. You can download and print an application on the home page of this web site.
3. Can I get my Choose Life License Plate personalized?
No, the Oklahoma Tax Commission issues Choose Life License plates numbered consecutively.
4. What are the proceeds of the Choose Life License Plate to be used for?
The proceeds are a method of encouraging and supporting women who choose adoption. The funds are accumulated in a Choose Life Assistance Program Revolving fund to be distributed annually in the form of grants to non-profit agencies that help women in crisis pregnancies and do not counsel or refer for abortions. 60% of the funds are for direct support for the women and 40% are used for counselor training and materials.
5. How can I help?
Request a packet for your church or civic organization that contains applications, brochures and a poster for a bulletin board. Tell your friends about the Choose Life License Plate. You can also deliver packets to other churches in your area to get the word out. The replica plates make a great fund-raiser for youth groups.